It’s been a long, busy, stressful week. Hope y’all are doing ok. Here’s this weeks offering. Enjoy

- This is the week that 2 of my 4 kitchen appliances decided to give me the middle finger. The fridge is not cooling properly and I’m going to try to diagnose and fix it myself before calling out a repair person. If I’m lucky it’s something simple. My dishwasher, on the other hand, has been teetering on the edge for a while now and I think it finally cried “no mas!” I’ve ordered a replacement that will be installed on Monday. This is how you know you’re truly an adult; you’re excited for a new dishwasher: KitchenAid FreeFlex 3rd Rack dishwasher.
- And while I’m on the topic, I ordered the dishwasher direct from KitchenAid and got 5% cash back via Rakuten. If you do a lot of shopping online and haven’t joined Rakuten, you’re missing out. I joined in 2019 and have earned over $200 in cash back and that’s with just casual use. I could have maximized it and earned a lot more. If you want to join, here’s a Rakuten referral link (use this link to join and spend $30 at an affiliated store and we both get $30 back).
- This Serious Eats Lamb Biryani is on the menu for this coming weekend. It’s a 2 day process to make, so I always double the recipe, but it’s very much worth it. It’s Zach’s all time favorite.
- I ordered 3 of these Show-Off Forsythia for the new bed I’m digging in at the end of the driveway. I can’t wait until they get here!
- I’m continuing to find ways to support Ukraine – both those fleeing and those staying. This week I donated to World Central Kitchen, founded and run by Chef José Andrés.
Now I’m off to fire up the grill and make pizza and enjoy a warm spring evening on the patio. Have a great weekend, y’all.