This past week I had 2 recipes lined up ready to cook and photograph and then in the middle of the night Tuesday, I woke up with that feeling that says “here comes a migraine”. Meds didn’t help this one and I’ve spent the last 2 days recovering from a migraine triggered by a deep sinus and inner ear infection. A whopping dose of antibiotics later and I’m feeling mostly human again, but my whole week has been thrown out of whack. All I have for the week is this Friday’s roundup. Enjoy.

- We had decent weather this weekend and spent some time working in the yard. I got the border around the raised beds set in place, which will give me a base for whatever I decide to do for fencing going forward.
- I placed a HUGE order from Gurney’s this week and I can’t wait until I start getting my seeds and plants. Most of what I ordered was for the kitchen garden but I did include a mock orange plant, some begonias, and a reblooming lilac. I think I know where they’re going to go, but we’ll see!
- I also ordered these Grow Bags and I’m going to experiment with growing potatoes and possibly pumpkins in them this year.
- As long as we’re on the subject of gardening, I recently discovered Epic Gardening. I’ve been powering through all of Kevin’s YouTube videos and have gotten some great ideas for the garden this year – and already some ideas for future seasons, too.
- Because of the work we’re doing at the house, Zach and I have decided we likely won’t be going on a big travel vacation this year. So instead we’re planning a couple of weekend trips and I’ve scheduled a few long “girls weekends” later this spring, including one to Austin. Which makes this Texas Monthly article on Where to Eat Outdoors particularly useful!
- I thoroughly enjoyed the Super Bowl halftime show this year. It was such a celebration of classic rap & hip-hop and Mary J. Blige especially was amazing! I honestly didn’t watch most of the game and I missed a good number of the commercials, too. I just couldn’t get into them.
- This article strikes really close to home since a good number of the people in my life are immunosuppressed or are dealing with health issues that make them particularly vulnerable, even as the rest of the world is trying to “move on” from precautions. Me? I’ll be wearing a mask for a while yet. The Pandemic Isn’t Over for Millions of People
Happy Friday and I hope everyone has a great weekend! We’ll try for at least one recipe next week.