I’m late with the post today: My excuse is that today is my birthday and it felt like a weekend day, but also, I just plain forgot. So here we go.
In a little blog cleanup: I’ve moved the Monday Meal Plan posts off of the main blog feed page. I felt like they overwhelmed the main feed, so I’ve moved them to their own page here: Monday Meal Planning. It’s also a link in the main menu at the top of the blog.
Late last fall I ordered a 1/2 cord of wood delivered and stacked. Here it is about the end of January and we’re already 3/4 of the way through the wood. I’m thinking about going ahead and ordering a full cord to be delivered and stacked next month, so we’ll have it in reserve (and well seasoned) for next year. My favorite thing in the world is having a wood burning fireplace going when it’s cold and windy outside.
We’re having some friends over tomorrow for a joint birthday dinner and I’m going to make sous-vide rack of lamb from this Serious Eats recipe. I’m excited to try a little different technique and I’ll post photos on Instagram for sure.
I am planning to change up some things in the downstairs powder room at the townhouse and I found the cutest posters on Etsy. I’m definitely ordering this one: Black Cat Soap and I want to get some of these travel ones as well maybe for the office.
Everyone in the world is playing Wordle, me included. I really enjoy word games and hate being limited to once a day. A friend of mine sent me a link to this Wordle archive which has every daily Wordle puzzle in one place. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’ve worked my way through the archive, but for now, I’m having fun!