Author: kara

What I’ve Been Up To: The Garden

What I’ve Been Up To: The Garden

It’s been a whole while since I’ve posted here; not for lack of cooking or ideas, but for lack of time. The past 3 months have been packed with things that had to be done, even if they weren’t the fun things. Things like unpacking, 

Thanksgiving 2022 Menu

Thanksgiving 2022 Menu

I finalized our Thanksgiving menu for this year. It’s pretty much the same as every other year. Thanksgiving is the one holiday that no-one in the family wants to mess with. We’ve pretty much perfected it with our combination sous-vide/deep fried turkey and sides that 

Julie, Julia, and Old School Food Blogging

I saw the news on Twitter first, and then the nearly immediate follow up by the NY Times; Julie Powell had died of cardiac arrest on November 1st of this year. She was 49. Julie was maybe the first real average person food blogger who 

Friday Roundup 16

Friday Roundup 16

Aaaannnnd … it’s October. Wow. The last couple of months have flown by and so much has happened. We went on vacation. I started moving to the house (it’s a long process). And now we’re right smack in the middle of the Holidays (yes, with 

Friday Roundup 15

Friday Roundup 15

It’s been a while since my last roundup! Yikes! A lot has happened since my last posting: A couple of long vacation trip weekends with friends, a lot of work changes, some medical appointments, and most recently and annoyingly – a flooded downstairs. Now I’m 

Friday Roundup 14

Friday Roundup 14

I’m so ready for spring to get here that I almost can’t stand it! I have started more seeds than my garden can hold and I’m ready to get outside and play in the dirt. In the meanwhile, here’s my weekly offering of random things. 

Friday Roundup 13

Friday Roundup 13

It’s been a long, busy, stressful week. Hope y’all are doing ok. Here’s this weeks offering. Enjoy This is the week that 2 of my 4 kitchen appliances decided to give me the middle finger. The fridge is not cooling properly and I’m going to 

Friday Roundup 12

Friday Roundup 12

Once again the week got away from me and I haven’t had time for a garden post or a recipe. I’m going to remedy that this weekend and will have a couple of posts lined up for next week. I documented my seed starting process 

Meal Plan Monday 5

Meal Plan Monday 5

We skipped a week of planning because of illness and work and it really showed when we wound up flailing for something to eat near the end of the week. We also plowed through our freezer meals and finally wound up ordering pizza for lunch/dinner. 

Friday Roundup 11

Friday Roundup 11

This past week I had 2 recipes lined up ready to cook and photograph and then in the middle of the night Tuesday, I woke up with that feeling that says “here comes a migraine”. Meds didn’t help this one and I’ve spent the last 

Friday Roundup 10

Friday Roundup 10

The Friday Roundup is my weekly list of things that don’t rate a standalone post but that I found interesting. It’s been cold at night and so we’ve been keeping a fire going in the fireplace which may be my favorite part of winter. Work 

Friday Roundup 9

Friday Roundup 9

I’m reconsidering the “Friday Five” theme since it seems limiting to me. Some weeks I might have more than 5 things to share, and some weeks fewer, so I’m inclined to change it to some kind of Friday week in review going forward. In the