New feature starting today. Five random things from the week every Friday.

This week I got my first subscription delivery of flowers from I decided to try out their small bouquet farmhouse subscription. I’m pretty happy with the bouquet I received, but realized I don’t actually own any nice vases for displaying flowers. Oops. So I ordered a pair of small cut glass vases from Amazon to have ready for my next delivery. I really like the idea of having fresh cut flowers in my house regularly, so I’m going to keep the subscription going for the next 3-4 months to see if it’s worth it.
If you want to try them out, you can use my referral link and we both get 30% off our orders: 30%.

For those who don’t keep up with me on FB, we lost our Maggie back in June to lung cancer; it was unexpected and only 9 short weeks from diagnosis to having the vet come to let her go. I miss her terribly as does her sister, Phoebe. We were lucky to have 10 years with her and I wish we could have had many more. But at least we know we gave her a good life and took the best care of her we could in her last days.

About 3 weeks after Maggie died, my friend Jenny called me to say she’d trapped 2 kittens, siblings who were probably about 7 weeks old. She wanted to know if I would be willing to socialize them for adoption. I wasn’t sure how well Phoebe would adapt to new kittens so soon after losing Maggie, but we were both moping around the house so I figured it was worth trying. If nothing else, we could consider it a foster situation and find them good homes elsewhere once they were properly socialized.
I’m sure you all know how that went. 🙂 So welcome Callie (little grey tortie-tabby) and Finnegan (orange tabby) to Casa Kara. Their grumpy Aunt Phoebe still isn’t sure about them, but she’s stopped hissing and mostly tolerates them until they try to attack her tail.

In case you’re wondering, this is what happens when a broccoli plant bolts and flowers. It’s actually kind of pretty. Even though conventional gardening wisdom says I should take it out and plant something else, Zach is enjoying seeing it grow. He’s named it The Broccolus. I’m just hoping it’s not going to turn into a Little Shop of Horrors sequel in our back yard!

Since we bought the house in December and moved in early in January, most of the yard was dormant and brown. Part of the joy of this spring has been seeing plants and trees leaf out, watching bulbs sprout and bloom, and seeing just what we have in this wilderness that is our property. My most exciting discovery was a HUGE fig tree just outside the fenced area in the back. I had asked Zach at one point if he knew what “that huge tangle of a tree” was, but it wasn’t until the spring leaves began to appear that I realized it was a fig. I don’t know what variety of fig it is and it’s entirely possible that the deer will eat all the fruit before we get a chance, but I’m super excited to see what kind of harvest we might get.