We’ve made it through two full weeks of 2022 and so far, so good! Here are my five things for this week.
I bought a juicer! I realized after finishing my week of juicing last Friday that I do feel much better if I make veggie juices part of my routine. After doing some research online, I bought a slow masticating juicer which arrived last night. Now I need to go stock up on fruit and veggies and experiment with some recipes!
A couple of years ago I bought Joshua McFadden’s cookbook Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables and I loved it! This week I picked up his newest book Grains for Every Season: Rethinking Our Way with Grains and I’ve already found a dozen recipes that I’ve added to my “must make” list and added a few of them to my upcoming meal plans.
The first daffodils are coming up in the back at the house and it feels almost too early! None of the crocus I planted last fall have popped and I don’t know if they will this year. My Southern Living Garden bible tells me that they need a full winter of cold, so maybe next year (assuming the squirrels haven’t dug them up and eaten all of them). But just seeing the daffodils has made me excited to get back into the garden!
Speaking of the garden, all of the gardening catalogs have arrived and there is a pile of them on the dining table! We’ll be putting in two additional raised beds in the back this spring and I need to decide what I’m going to plant where. Last year was a learning experience, so I’m hoping for a slightly more successful harvest this year. Look for upcoming blog posts about the garden and the property in the coming months.
I upgraded the blog theme this week and I’m experimenting with recipe plugins to make the recipes more usable for readers. I’d like to be able to automate things like imperial to metric conversions, recipe scaling, and even some basic nutrition information. So if posts seem to vanish and reappear, please be patient with me. Eventually I’ll get it all figured out!