Author: kara

Meal Plan Monday – 1

Meal Plan Monday – 1

Welcome to the first Meal Plan Monday! Meal planning is nothing new for me. I’ve always kept a rough meal plan and shopping list in my household Excel file but over the last couple of years it has gotten a little more complex. Zach and 

Friday Five #5

Friday Five #5

Let’s just jump right into the first Friday Five of 2022. These are the things that have been on my mind this week. ONE Today is the last day of my 3rd annual post-holiday juice fast. This year I did the “expert” level program – 

Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas

Skip directly to the recipe It’s tradition in the South to eat black-eyed peas in some shape or form for luck in the new year. Some places make Hoppin’ John, a mixture of peas, rice, and pork or ham. In Texas, you couldn’t watch a 

Welcome 2022

Welcome 2022

I’ve always enjoyed and looked forward to the symbolic “restart” of the New Year. The winding down of Christmas and the indulgent holidays, the packing away of the decorations, the traditional New Year’s Day meal of black-eyed peas and greens and cornbread instead of the 

Closing out 2021

Closing out 2021

I’m honestly not sure what to say about 2021 other than for us it epitomized Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. The Worst: We’re still firmly locked in a Covid loop, despite being 

Friday Five #4

Friday Five #4

It’s been a whole lot of Fridays since the last Friday Five and I’m sorry for that. I’m just going to cut right to the chase: On July 4th weekend, while we were painting the garden shed, Zach had a heart attack; a STEMI – 

Friday Five #3

Friday Five #3

Today is my last day of work before vacation and I’m definitely having a little “vacation brain” kicking in early. I have a couple of things I need to finish and document for my co-workers who are covering for me next week and then I 

Whole Grain Buttermilk Waffles

Whole Grain Buttermilk Waffles

We have a weekend routine around here since we bought the house. Every Saturday Zach makes breakfast (including his amazing buttermilk biscuits) to fuel us for whatever house or yard or landscaping related project we’re tackling. There’s always something to be done; rocks to haul, 

Friday Five #2

Friday Five #2

It’s been typical late spring weather here in the Atlanta area, which is to say that it’s been unpredictable and all over the place. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 40s, some rain, some sun, and everything in between. However the garden at the 

Friday Five #1

Friday Five #1

New feature starting today. Five random things from the week every Friday. ONE This week I got my first subscription delivery of flowers from I decided to try out their small bouquet farmhouse subscription. I’m pretty happy with the bouquet I received, but realized 

New House, New Garden, New Food!

New House, New Garden, New Food!

No apologies for leaving this blog dormant for so long; instead I’m just going to jump right back in with updates and posts. There’s been a lot of change over the last year and it’s time to start documenting and posting and adding the “life” 



I shared my blog with some co-workers today and got called out for slacking! (You know who you are!) So since we’ll be on vacation over the next week, I’m going to take the time to de-slack and repost some older recipes and some recipes