Author: kara

The Perfect Boiled Egg

The Perfect Boiled Egg

A few days ago I posted a photo of what I consider the perfect boiled egg to my personal Facebook page and immediately got questions from friends on how I cooked it. I wrote up an explanation and before long the post had made it 

Fudgy Chocolate Brownies

Fudgy Chocolate Brownies

I’ve had the original version of this recipe saved since the NY Times first posted it right after Katherine Hepburn died. When Pinterest came along, I remember moving it from my long list of bookmarks to make it one of my first food pins. It’s since 

Hello Fresh: Sizzling Beef Stir Fry

Hello Fresh: Sizzling Beef Stir Fry

Welcome to my second Hello Fresh review. I made this meal Wednesday night, the night that north Atlanta was getting hit with storms for the second time in 3 days. I was afraid for a while that I was going to have to cook by candlelight, 

Hello Fresh: Creamy Mushroom Pork Chops

Hello Fresh: Creamy Mushroom Pork Chops

Let’s just jump right in to my first Hello Fresh review. I subscribed last week and my first box arrived today with 3 meals. I decided to start with the pork chops and mushroom gravy – mostly because I already have a really great pork 

Savoury Irish Soda Bread

Savoury Irish Soda Bread

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone in the blogging world is posting Irish recipes today, so I might as well join in with a family recipe for Irish soda bread. This is my maternal grandfather’s recipe, which I’m pretty sure he got from his Irish mother. 



I’m not generally a fan of sweet things for breakfast. My tastes run more to the savoury – eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, those kinds of things. Every now and then, though, I do get a craving for a pancake or a waffle and sometimes I 

My Favorite Collard Greens

My Favorite Collard Greens

There is a restaurant here in Atlanta that is well known for it’s chicken dishes. Last year they opened a location up near my house but I wasn’t exactly beating a track to the door. I mean … chicken? I roast a mean chicken myself