Author: kara

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

I don’t have words to describe how I feel about RBGs death at this particular time but this spoke to me. From a post on FB:—–There’s a few posts going around reminding folks that since RBG is Jewish, the proper thing to say about her 

Blue Cheese Dressing

Blue Cheese Dressing

[Skip to recipe] I love blue cheese dressing but have always been disappointed in store bought varieties. Most of them have added sugar for some reason and are often too sweet for my taste. For a while you could buy the fresh made dressing from 

Air Fryer Roasted Almonds

Air Fryer Roasted Almonds

This is a really quick and easy snack you can make in your air fryer in less than 10 minutes. Almonds are a big thing in my house. We usually buy a 5# bag of raw almonds from Costco a couple of times a month. 



Like every other lapsed blogger in the history of blogging, I periodically make a promise to blog more or “get back to blogging” or whatever. And like every other lapsed blogger, I generally don’t for whatever reason. Life gets in the way, as the saying 

Sausage & Spinach Sous-vide Egg Bites

Sausage & Spinach Sous-vide Egg Bites

It’s finally FALL here in north Georgia. After a couple of days of rain, we have a sunny, cool, breezy day that feels like the seasons have finally started to change. We may still get a short burst of “third summer” in the next couple 

Chesapeake Bay & Charleston  – Vacation

Chesapeake Bay & Charleston – Vacation

I’m back from vacation and it was an amazing, relaxing, joyful, food-filled week. Settle in for a bunch of photos and a fried oyster recipe at the end (or, if you’d rather, skip the narrative and go straight to the recipe at the end of 

Beef & Cabbage Taco Filling

Beef & Cabbage Taco Filling

I can’t remember where I first saw the combination of purple cabbage and ground beef – it may have been a Hello Fresh recipe – but I remember thinking almost immediately that I thought it would make a good taco filling. So, of course, I 

Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

Southwestern influenced cuisine has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I’m from Texas. My ex is from Colorado. His family is from Arizona. And I have family in New Mexico. So Tex-Mex, Arizona-Mex, New Mexico-Mex, or any variation 

Irish Stew

Irish Stew

The weather has finally gotten cold enough to justify a big pot of my favorite Irish stew down here in Georgia. I don’t know where this recipe came from originally and it’s not really fixed in stone. It’s mostly about a rich, thick tomato based 

Austin, Tx | Spring Vacation

Austin, Tx | Spring Vacation

I had an opportunity to spend a little bit of vacation time in Austin last month. Although I was born in Dallas, I consider Austin my hometown; it’s where I went to high school and college and spent the most formative years of my life. 

Instant Pot | Chicken Stock / Bone Broth

Instant Pot | Chicken Stock / Bone Broth

I know that everyone and their siblings have posted recipes for Instant Pot stock or broth or bone broth or whatever the name for it is these days. I’m going to be one more, so bear with me today. Last year when all my friends 

Instant Pot | Roast with mushroom gravy

Instant Pot | Roast with mushroom gravy

Hey y’all! Happy 2018. In the interests of getting back into blogging on a regular basis, I’m going to start posting about some of the things I’m cooking without necessarily a lot of fancy photos or verbiage. I might come back and flesh out some